e-bidding in Nepal (PPMO)


e-bidding in Nepal (PPMO)

Once the registration process in OCR, PPMO, and bank guarantee is completed, the firm is ready to bid on a tender in PPMO. Generally, tenders up to Rs. Two crores require no prior work experience, so you can bid those tenders as a single entity. First, you should enter https://www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp/ or search for PPMO in the Google search bar. Log in to the ppmo site with your log-in ID to enter your dashboard. You have various search opportunities to search for a tender of your choice. You can now look for the tender of your choice by various option headings provided, like project title, invitation for bid (IFB) number,  procurement method, public entity (name of the office opening a tender), and publication date. Select the contest of your choice, and then you can see the hammer ( ) in the selection made. Click on it. A window appears on your screen with the confirmation note. Click Yes. There are different forms you need to fill out in the bidding process; let's talk about them one by one.

  • General Info
  • Bid Capacity
  • Bid Letter
  • Technical Details (details in the next blog)
  • Financial Situation (details in the next blog)
  • BOQ
  • Fees and Securities
  • Work Requirements (Details in the next blog.)
  • Documents
  • Summery

General Info

You don't need to do much in this field. Here, we are about to talk over a tender bidding procedure by a single entity. You just click on the save button and the next option.

Bid Capacity

The next page that opens on your screen is bid capacity. This page is for your information regarding annual turnover. As a new firm, you don't need to do much in this field; you can directly go to the next page.

Bid Letter

This is where you need to be careful. The document shall be prepared in pdf format with a finalized document size of less than 1 MB. Once you complete these documents, you have to merge them all into a single PDF document to upload them. Let's see what to include in this document.

  • Bid Letter
  • Ghosanapatra
  • Letter of Attorney
  • Litigation Letter (Not Compulsory)

Bid Letter

You can find this page with the list in Section 4 of the tender.You have to copy the page in your company letterhead and fill in the blank information like date, name of contract, IFB No. of the office where the tender is published at the top, mention according to BOQ in all the empty spaces in the body, and then you should write the name of the person who has prepared the tender document at the bottom, power of attorney, company name, date, signature, and seal.



 A Sample of Ghosanapatra


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Letter of Attorney

We have already placed a power of attorney sample in our previous blog with the title registration process in PPMO. You can copy and paste from our previous blog into your letterhead.

Litigation Letter (Not Compulsory)


The project chief


Subject: Litigation Letter

Dear Sir/Madam, 

This is to certify that we are not ineligible to participate in the bid, have no conflict of interest in the proposed bid procurement proceedings, and have not been punished for a profession- or business-related offense.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Thanking you

Company Name


Technical Details

We'll discuss technical details in our next blog. In some bids below Rs. 2 crore, you don't need to upload a technical proposal.

BOQ Section

In this section, you have to fill in your bid amount per unit quantity of work as mentioned in the detailed specifications. Once you fill out the form, the total amount and VAT will be automatically generated by the system. And then you can move on to the next section.

Fees and Securities

To fill out this entity, you have to copy the invitation number . from the bid details on top of the window. On the top task bar, there is an option for procurement execution. Point the mouse on it, and on the scrolling option, you will see a fee/security choice process. The continent way is to search tenders by invitation number. You will see the icon   in the run box; click on it to continue. You have to basically upload two documents in instrument format.

  • Bid Document Fee
  • Bid Security

Bid Document Fee

After the table of contents in the bid document, you will find the invitation to bid page. On the very page, you can find bank details, account holder name, and amount to be deposited as a bid document fee. Deposit the mentioned amount in the specified bank. The receipt from the bank shall be scanned in PDF format and uploaded to PPMO in the bid document fee section. In the bank transaction ID, you can enter 1111. 

Bid Security

Choose bid security in the instrument type. The bid guarantee from your guarantee issuing bank shall be scanned in pdf format and then uploaded to the bid security section. Fill out the form. You have to choose the No option for counter guarantee. You can also deposit the bid security amount in the bank with the bank details mentioned in the bid documents. Here we are going to deal with the guarantee document from the bank. In transaction ID type 1111, you can find the bid security number on guarantee paper, though it's optional.

Works Requirements

We will discuss this topic this topic in detail in our next blog.


In this section, you have to upload your company documents in PDF format. Here, the document size can be more than 1 MB. The basic document you need to attach here is

  • Company Registration Certificate
  • VAT/PAN registration certificate
  • Construction Liscense
  • Bid-related profile and financial documents (you have to update these documents in your profile section)


In this section, you can see if you have missed any documents in the process. completed sign shows the form fill-up process is complete; not completed the sign indicates you have some issues in the section. You can go to the section mentioned and correct it. Once every document is successfully uploaded, click on the generate preview option. Download the bid response. Go through the bid response before you submit a bid. If everything is ready, click on submit bid. You will receive an OTP code in your mentioned email address. Copy it from the mail and paste it. After successful submission of a bid, you will receive a bid submission receipt in your email.


You can also modify or withdraw the submitted bid if required before the bid opening time. On the dashboard of your home page, you can find the My Bid box. Choose the submitted bid, and then you have the withdraw and modify option there.