Girija Prasad Park, Budhanilkantha 2


Girija Prasad Park, Budhanilkantha 2

Construction of Staircase, Entrance gate, Septic tank, Open air threatre, etc at Girija Prasad Park, Budhanilkantha 2 (On-Going)

Construction of Staircase, Entrance gate, Septic tank, Open air threatre, etc. at Girija Prasad Park, Budhanilkantha 2, issued on January 2, 2022, under National Competitive Bidding procedures with contract ID: DCOKTM/PLPP/078/79/08 was awarded to Innovate Engineering Consultant and Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. With an agreement on March 29, 2022, between the Innovate Engineering Consultant and Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. and KVDA, District Commissioner's Office, Kathmandu, the ongoing construction work is targeted to be completed within six months. This aesthetic park features grass turfing, flag stone pavement, foot trails, an elegant entrance gate, open-air threatre etc.

Key Features

This is a multi-phase project constructed within the buffer zone of Shivapuri National Park. In the first phase of construction, basic structures like a framework for the entrance gate attached to a guard house, open-air threatre for mass audience participation and interaction, toilet cubicles at different spots for visitors, walking foot trails, and in the center spot of the park, flagstone pavement is done that is built up for picnic spots. In the next phase, masonery walls are constructed as per the landscape. Different truss structures for resting points for visitors are built up. Staircases are provided at several places to make it easy for visitors to walk away. Traditional, colorful prayer flags give warm vibes and inner peace. As far as possible, the park was constructed to promote sustainability and nature. Not even a single tree was harmed during the construction. Green grass turf has enriched the natural beauty of the park.

Quality Assurance

As we are committed to providing quality services, we have gone through different lab tests and procedures during the construction phases. Under the strict supervision of the site engineer and constructive input from the local community, the park was built. Health and safety guidelines were strictly followed during the construction period. Waste products were managed accordingly. Cement bags and other plastic items were reused instead of burned. Decomposable waste products were collected in a separate place. Periodic curing of RCC structures was done during the construction phase. Different lab tests, like cube tests of concrete and quality certificates of cement and rebar, were placed during the handover period.


Overall, the park is just a 30-minute walk from Budhanilkantha Temple. If you enjoy the greenery, this peaceful place can be your destination for the weekend with your friends, family, or close ones. You can also enjoy the beautiful view of the valley on a clear day. You can track this place via Google Maps with the name Girija Prasad Park Budhanilkantha-1. There are a few small grocery shops nearby where you can get some instant foods and water. Moreover, if you are planning to spend a night there, you can find good resorts there too. Since it's a buffer zone, you can sometimes see some wild species like Lophura leucomelanos (Kalij), wild cats, etc.

Girija Prasad Park, Budhanilkantha 2

Girija Prasad Park, Budhanilkantha 2



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